What Brian Pool of Century Electric, LLC of Las Vegas has to say today:

To Whom It May Concern:

Just under a year ago I was introduced to Renata McDonald with My Business Consultants. At that time my company was in a pretty low condition. We had very little to no work happening, huge debts and I had all but lost hope that I would be able to turn things around. I had explained my situation to a friend Beth Settle. She had worked with Renata in the past and recommended that I use her services to help with my situation. Renata and I met for the first time in February of this year.

At our first interview I explained my situation to Renata. There was absolutely no comm. lag when she told me that she could help. This didn’t make sense to me. I told her how bleak my situation was and it didn’t faze her. She had an almost inexplicable confidence about her. I now know why. It’s because she knows the Hubbard Management System cold and knows that if one applies the correct tech to a situation, it will resolve. I hired her company to consult with me after that first interview.

At first it was a full time job, but she rolled her sleeves up and immediately got to work. The first action was to do a Statistical Analysis of the company. The purpose of this was to spot “when” the stats really started to decline. Surprisingly it was much earlier than I had originally thought. Once we found the “when”, we discovered the “major” change that occurred just before that. With that data we were able to put the successful actions back into the company. Next she helped on the promotion lines and helping me to organize for production.

I could go on and on, but the net result is that 2010 was a successful year for Century Electric. We have kept very busy with work, handled a ton of debt and are in very good shape for the future. At first it was a full time job, but she did such a good job, I now only meet with her occasionally to help me keep the successful actions in and me winning.

My success is a testament to the Hubbard Management System with the help of a fully licensed Management Consultant who truly knows her business!

Century Electric, LLC
Brian Pool

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Brian Pool of Century Electric, LLC in Las Vegas has a new vision about today’s economy:

To Whom It May Concern:

I have been owner and President of my company, Century Electric for almost 3 years. Before that I owned and operated as President another electrical contracting company, Electrend, for about 6 years. In all my years of business, I have had many ups and downs. My success followed a trend. It’s a well “known” concept in the construction industry that “it’s either feast or famine” only. One NEVER has just the right amount of work. You either have no work or you have an abundance of work. Black or white.

This data led me to believe that I really didn’t have any control over my destiny. It was all a matter of chance whether I was feasting or in famine. And this was always dependent upon whether the local economy was in a boom or a recession. I was at total effect. Luckily the construction industry, for the most part, had been booming for about 7 of the 9 years I have been in business. Unfortunately, however, the construction industry in Las Vegas has been in a recession for about the last 2 years or so.

A little less than two weeks ago I hired a WISE consultant, Renata McDonald, to help me to apply Mr. Hubbard Administration Technology and turn my business around. When I first started working with her, I really didn’t know what she would be able to do to help me. I was completely dispersed with so many problems in present time that I could barely give her 10 minutes of my time. Every time I sat down with her I would get an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. My body may have been across the desk from her, but my mind was in about 20 other places.

Even though I have read many times what Mr. Hubbard has to say about the economy it wasn’t REAL to me that I could do anything about it. I still couldn’t control the economy. I would basically have to wait until things turned around before my company would turn around. This left me with an operating basis of “wait” and to really do nothing to Cause any kind of change. I resorted to all manner of unusual solutions, including shutting down the company if things didn’t change for the better fast.

Renata’s first line of attack was to do a Statistical Analysis. The results were astounding! It told me that the company started doing poorly much earlier than I originally thought. I realized that it wasn’t the economy that caused this downtrend. With this data, I was now willing to look for the real “Why” which would open the door to a handling. This may sound funny, but it is true. I was now interested in my own company and willing to talk to my consultant.

After that Renata wrote me a very simple and easy to follow program that I could implement to put me at cause. Things started to shift immediately. The Tone Level of the office rose immediately. Other employees started to come up with bright ideas on how they could make a difference for the better. We are all coming together as a Team. We have confidence now that we can take action and cause a new Affluence for the company.

One WISE consultant helping me to use and apply Standard Hubbard Administration Technology and in a very short period of time has salvaged me and my company.

We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but the biggest obstacle is out of the way – My consideration that nothing could be done about it.

Things don’t seem grim any more. Actually for the first time in quite a long while, the future looks very, very Bright and I can’t wait for it to arrive.


Century Electric, LLC
Brian Pool

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Real Help – Real Results

Renata came into our business when there was a lot of confusion on why our stats were either up or down. We always knew where they were, we just didn’t know why. We really didn’t know what to do to bring them up or to keep them up, so we just continued to track them. With Renata helping us to understand the relationship between two or more statistics we were able to find the actual cause of our affluences. With this data we are now able to be at cause over keeping our stats continuing in an upward direction. Without this data I don’t know how long it would have taken us to figure this out. I mean we had already been tracking stats for 5 years and had not figured it out yet. This brought a lot of sanity to into the tracking of the statistics.

We also had recently taken over another tax practice and merged in with them. I had some ideas on how I wanted to setup the offices and that I wanted an entry lobby and an exit lobby due to space limitations in each area. I didn’t really know about proper and efficient flowlines through the company in relation to the org board. Renata helped me and my staff understand these flow lines and we dummy tested them before it got too busy in the tax season and this enabled us to really adjust what needed adjusted and brought more sanity into the workplace. We implemented these flow lines about 8 months ago now and the flow of people and particles around the office is very smooth and structured now.

Thank You Renata for all your help.

Jimmy D. Epley

President, JD’s Tax & Financial Solutions Corporation

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The Will To Succeed

It is my experience, as a turnaround business consultant,
that even though you can have the best knowledge and tools they will “not work”
if the person you are working with does not believe it is possible to turn things
around.  The will to succeed is way more
powerful than any advanced business knowledge or turnaround strategy. The
person you are working with has to
want to win in order to win! By this I
mean that individual personally has to want the activity to succeed. It won’t
fly if his primary motivation is someone else wanting it.

This means that you must be able to:

1)    Recognize
the actual belief and intentions of the individual, and if needed

2)    Handle
the individual to the point he is working in the belief that it is possible to
turn things around.

Remember – the will to
succeed is of paramount importance in any activity!

Renata McDonald

International Licensed  Business Consultant

Expert in the Hubbard  Management System

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Management, Consulting and Business Ethics

There is nothing more frustrating for management and consultants, than to not be able to get results from tried and true actions that are known to raise productivity, new business inflow or sales. When these proven actions “don’t work”, yet they should, it is not uncommon that if you look deeper in the area where it is being implemented, you will discover some unethical conduct by the staff.  They are too busy working on hiding their unethical behavior to pay attention to what they should be doing.  This is one of those “rules” that has never failed me.  If I know that statistics should improve by the execution of some very sound management actions and they don’t, I immediately look for unethical behavior by the staff over and in the area in question.  This behavior is being hidden so you need to dig until you find it. It is there, I guarantee you.  Once you find the unethical conduct, you take the proper actions to eradicate it and productivity will “magically” increase!

Renata McDonald

Licensed International Business Consultant

Expert in the Hubbard Management System


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Setting Goals & Achieving Goals

We are all getting ready to set our goals for 2011 and we are hoping that this time some, or all, will come through.
I have observed that the only the goals you achieve are 1: the goals you make a clear cut decision that you want to achieve. And 2: you have a high level of certainty in yourself and your ability to achieve them. These are the ones that you actually come through on.
You have to be decisive and certain about your goals.
If you look back in your life at the goals you have achieved, you will find that point 1 and 2 are present.
Sounds awfully simple, but then I have never seen complicated theories work!
To a phenomenal 2011!

Renata McDonald
International Licensed Business Consultant
Expert in the Hubbard Management System

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business consulting, Effective Management Center Las Vegas Home

business consulting, Effective Management Center Las Vegas Home.

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What’s The Fundamental Difference Between Being Successful or Being A Failure?

Can you answer these two questions:
1) Do you approach your business and life from a viewpoint of you being cause, being in charge of whatever the circumstance may be, or are you looking at it from being at effect, like a spectator?
2) In other words are you being the Director of your life or merely a spectator?
If the answer on 1 is: cause and on 2 is: I am the Director then you have what it takes to be successful in business and in life.
Knowing that you are the cause point of your business and that you are the one responsible for its success, instead of assigning blame and cause for what’s occurring to others, is the most basic and fundamental difference between having or not having what it takes to be successful.

Renata McDonald
International Licensed Business Consultant
Expert and Lecturer on the Hubbard Management System

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The five most basic fundamental do’s and don’ts in business during rough economic times

1. A business’ biggest asset is its clients. Make sure every single one of them is 110% satisfied with your services.

2. These are the times where superb service should be the norm of the day and is performed by every single employee in your firm.

3. These are not the times, as a remedy for a low cash flow and lack of funds, to cut corners and bring the quality of your service down. This will only result in a loss of clients.

4. More marketing and more promotion is what will secure your company’s future. More potential customers have to be reached to obtain the same results that you were getting during better times.

5. Less promotion or cutting all marketing expenses will only bring a failure in growth. Nothing remains the same: you either grow or contract.

Renata McDonald
International Licensed Business Consultant
& an Expert on the Hubbard Management System

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One “rule of thumb” of what to do during hard times to stay in business

Any healthy business started on an idea that worked. During great economic times it is very easy to extend one’s financial abilities and go off to new and untried ideas. However one also tends to lose sight of what is actually keeping the business going and the doors open. In such times even a bad investment does not break the bank.

When the economy “pulled the rug from under your feet” so to speak, many businesses found themselves in confusion. I can give you one stable fact: go back to what was a proven success, go back to the usual. What marketing campaign always worked? What piece of promotion always brought business in? What level of service brought you referrals? You might have fiercer competition. This only means that you need to reach more public and work better and faster.

The fact remains that to succeed during difficult times you need to go back to the usual, that which has proven over and over to work. This you will find, in many cases, is what the original business module was based on!

Renata McDonald
International Licensed Business Consultant
An Expert of the Hubbard Management System

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