What is the true power of an individual?

I have traveled the world and I met a lot of people. I have discovered that truly powerful individuals – who are so, no matter who they are or what position they hold in life – have these characteristics in common:

1) They can usually correctly identify the true source of problematic situations.

2) They know how to, and do, execute the proper solutions to them.

You recognize them by their correct actions.

Have you observed the same to be true?

Renata McDonald
International Licensed Business Consultant

About mybusinessconsultants

Over 20 years of successful executive experience. Recently turned around and expanded a safety company ending in a profitable sale. We have the ability to deliver hands on consulting, observe all aspects of operations, identify causes of lost time, both obvious and hidden. We design and implement new processes to reduce non-value added activities that will decrease overhead and increase profitability.
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