Brian Pool of Century Electric, LLC in Las Vegas has a new vision about today’s economy:

To Whom It May Concern:

I have been owner and President of my company, Century Electric for almost 3 years. Before that I owned and operated as President another electrical contracting company, Electrend, for about 6 years. In all my years of business, I have had many ups and downs. My success followed a trend. It’s a well “known” concept in the construction industry that “it’s either feast or famine” only. One NEVER has just the right amount of work. You either have no work or you have an abundance of work. Black or white.

This data led me to believe that I really didn’t have any control over my destiny. It was all a matter of chance whether I was feasting or in famine. And this was always dependent upon whether the local economy was in a boom or a recession. I was at total effect. Luckily the construction industry, for the most part, had been booming for about 7 of the 9 years I have been in business. Unfortunately, however, the construction industry in Las Vegas has been in a recession for about the last 2 years or so.

A little less than two weeks ago I hired a WISE consultant, Renata McDonald, to help me to apply Mr. Hubbard Administration Technology and turn my business around. When I first started working with her, I really didn’t know what she would be able to do to help me. I was completely dispersed with so many problems in present time that I could barely give her 10 minutes of my time. Every time I sat down with her I would get an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. My body may have been across the desk from her, but my mind was in about 20 other places.

Even though I have read many times what Mr. Hubbard has to say about the economy it wasn’t REAL to me that I could do anything about it. I still couldn’t control the economy. I would basically have to wait until things turned around before my company would turn around. This left me with an operating basis of “wait” and to really do nothing to Cause any kind of change. I resorted to all manner of unusual solutions, including shutting down the company if things didn’t change for the better fast.

Renata’s first line of attack was to do a Statistical Analysis. The results were astounding! It told me that the company started doing poorly much earlier than I originally thought. I realized that it wasn’t the economy that caused this downtrend. With this data, I was now willing to look for the real “Why” which would open the door to a handling. This may sound funny, but it is true. I was now interested in my own company and willing to talk to my consultant.

After that Renata wrote me a very simple and easy to follow program that I could implement to put me at cause. Things started to shift immediately. The Tone Level of the office rose immediately. Other employees started to come up with bright ideas on how they could make a difference for the better. We are all coming together as a Team. We have confidence now that we can take action and cause a new Affluence for the company.

One WISE consultant helping me to use and apply Standard Hubbard Administration Technology and in a very short period of time has salvaged me and my company.

We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but the biggest obstacle is out of the way – My consideration that nothing could be done about it.

Things don’t seem grim any more. Actually for the first time in quite a long while, the future looks very, very Bright and I can’t wait for it to arrive.


Century Electric, LLC
Brian Pool

About mybusinessconsultants

Over 20 years of successful executive experience. Recently turned around and expanded a safety company ending in a profitable sale. We have the ability to deliver hands on consulting, observe all aspects of operations, identify causes of lost time, both obvious and hidden. We design and implement new processes to reduce non-value added activities that will decrease overhead and increase profitability.
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